ECD Talks 2024

Building on the great success of the first edition of the ECD Talks, this year’s edition will take a close look at the hidden side of our democracy. We will explore the data-driven strategies that shape political decisions behind the scenes, discussing topics like data manipulation, disinformation, and the ethical dilemmas at the crossroads of privacy and political power.

In an age where data is power, understanding its role in politics has never been more important. Behind the visible side of elections lies a world where algorithms, data analysis, and targeted strategies influence outcomes in ways most voters are unaware of. The trade-off between data accuracy and privacy raises ethical questions, while the manipulation of such data and information can quietly shape the future of our democracy.

We are excited to be joined by experts at the intersection of econometrics and politics. With their knowledge and - experience, they will provide valuable insights into how data shapes political strategies, election outcomes, and public policy. Eager to share their thoughts, these experts offer a unique opportunity for in-depth discussions on these highly relevant topics.

Throughout the panel discussion, you will have opportunities to actively engage in the conversation - whether by asking questions or sharing your own thoughts. All remaining questions can be asked during the Q&A at the end of the discussion. 

The ECD Talks will conclude with a drink at Erasmus Paviljoen, open to all attendees. There will be a LinkedIn photographer to take a formal LinkedIn picture and there will be free drinks to celebrate the start of the 12th edition of the ECD. The language of the ECD Talks will be English and the event is open to students of all studies and study phases. Subscribe at to join the ECD Talks!

How to sign up as non-FAECTOR member: 

You need to first create an account for the ECD website. This can be done here. Once you have obtained an account, you can select one ticket for the ECD Talks here, and agree to the terms of conditions. Then you will get an email with the ticket!